Area 1 Advanced concepts and new emerging materials for future PV.
Chair: Jiang Tang, Xu Pan
Keywords: quantum nanostructures, intermediate band, hot carrier, MEG, nanophotonics, up and down conversion,thermophotovoltaics,dye, sensitizer, solid-state electrolyte, long-term stability
Area 2 Perovskite solar cells.
Chair: Xiaodan Zhang, Shengzhong(Frank) Liu, Hiroshi Segawa, Sang Il Seok
Keywords: perovskite, interface, grain boundary, hole transport material, electron blocking material, hole blocking materials, large area,stability,tandem
Area 3 Organic solar cells.
Chair: Jianhui Hou, Feng Gao
Keywords: organic solar cells, exciton, blended junction, new organic semiconductor, long-term stability
Area 4 Thin-film compound semiconductor PV.
Chair: Xiangxin Liu, Yi Zhang, Shigeru Niki , James Sites
Keywords: CIGS, CZTS, CTS, CdTe, chalcopyrite, kesterite, chalcogenides, oxides
Area 5 III-V compound semiconductor, concentrator and space PV technologies.
Chair: Nuofu Chen, Qiang Sun, Nicholas Ekins-Daukes
Keywords: III-V compounds, multijunction, GaAs, InGaP, space, concentrator PV
Area 6 Silicon feedstock & wafers.
Chair: Deren Yang, Yuepeng Wan, Noritaka Usami, Christian Reimann
Keywords: polycrystalline Si,Cz Si, Fz Si, mc-Si, quasi-single crystalline Si, crystal growth, advanced wire sawing, and wafer preparing
Area 7 Crystalline silicon solar cells and tandem solar cells.
Chair: Dengyuan Song, Zhenguo Li, Prof. Makoto Konagai, Martin Green
Keywords: PERC, PERT, PERL, black silicon, double sided solar cells, si-based tandem
Area 8 Thin film,IBC and HITsolar cells.
Chair: Zhengxin Liu, Pierre J. Verlinden
Keywords: hetero-junction, IBC, HIT, carrier selective contact, device simulation, TCO, metallization
Area 9 Topcon solar cells.
Chair: Hui Shen, Hao Jin, Rensheng Liu, Daniel Macdonald
Keywords: tunnel-oxide layer, surface passivation, doped silicon layer, charge carrier transport, numerical simulation
Area 10 Performance and reliability of PV module.
Chair: Zhiqiang Feng, Zhen Zhang, Atsushi Masuda, Sarah Kurtz
Keywords: simulation, performance, reliability characterization, materials for PV modules, certification and testing
Area 11 PV systems including BOS component.
Chair: Haitao Liu, Yonggang Shao, Yuzuru Ueda, Farnung, Boris
Keywords: outdoor performance, O&M, safety and reliability, BIPV, energy management system, forecasting and solar resource assessment
Area 12 PV system integration including smart grid.
Chair:Yibo Wang, Luciano Martini
Keywords: large scale grid integration, electricity market, smart grid/micro grid, power system balancing
Area 13 PV energy storage and novel PV application.
Chair: Huamin Zhang, Xianfeng Li, Wei Wang
Keywords: PV combined with stored energy, PV for mobility, PV for yielding hydrogen or reducing CO2
Area 14 PV deployment, markets, policies and financing.
Chair: Sicheng Wang, Izumi Kaizuka
Keywords: PV deployment, industry, market, sustainability and environment, competitiveness of PV, economic analysis, ancillary service